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Version: v2.x

Schema/Metadata API Reference: Remote Schema Permissions (Deprecated)


In versions v2.0.0 and above, the schema/metadata API is deprecated in favour of the schema API and the metadata API.

Though for backwards compatibility, the schema/metadata APIs will continue to function.


Remote schema permissions can be defined to:

  1. Expose only certain parts of the remote schema to a role
  2. Preset arguments with static values or session variables for any field.

By default, the admin role has unrestricted access to the remote schema.


This API takes the schema (GraphQL IDL format) which should be a subset of the remote schema and the role for which this restricted schema is exposed. The schema also accepts a custom @preset directive for setting argument presets.

Suppose the following is the schema document of the remote.

type User {
user_id: Int
name: String
phone: String
userMessages(whered: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message]

interface Communication {
id: Int!
msg: String!

type Message implements Communication {
id: Int!
name: String!
msg: String!
errorMsg: String

input MessageWhereInpObj {
id: IntCompareObj
name: StringCompareObj

input IntCompareObj {
eq : Int
gt : Int
lt : Int

input StringCompareObj {
eq : String

input IncludeInpObj {
id: [Int]
name: [String]

type Query {
hello: String
messages(where: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message]
user(user_id: Int!): User
users(user_ids: [Int]!): [User]
message(id: Int!) : Message

type mutation_root {
insert_user: (name: String!, phone: String!): User

schema {
query: Query
mutation: mutation_root

Let's say we want to impose some restrictions on the user role:

  1. Expose only the user_id, name and the user_messages field in the User object.
  2. Add a preset value to the user_id argument of the user field defined in the Query object. We want the value of the preset to come from a session variable called x-hasura-user-id.
  3. Allow filtering of the messages only by name in the where argument of the user_messages field.
  4. Allow only the fields hello, messages and the user top level node in the Query object.
  5. Expose only the query_root and not allow mutations for the role.

The schema document, implementing the above restrictions will look like:

type User {
user_id: Int
name: String
userMessages(where: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message]

interface Communication {
id: Int!
msg: String!

type Message implements Communication {
id: Int!
name: String!
msg: String!
errorMsg: String

input MessageWhereInpObj {
name: StringCompareObj

input IntCompareObj {
eq : Int
gt : Int
lt : Int

input StringCompareObj {
eq : String

input IncludeInpObj {
id: [Int]
name: [String]

type Query {
hello: String
messages(where: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message]
user(user_id: Int! @preset(value: "x-hasura-user-id")): User

schema {
query: Query

To add the remote schema permission for the role user, the following API should be called with the schema document.

POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

"type" : "add_remote_schema_permissions",
"args" : {
"remote_schema" : "user_messages",
"role" : "user",
"definition" : {
"schema" : "type User { user_id: Int name: String userMessages(where: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message] } interface Communication { id: Int! msg: String! } type Message implements Communication { id: Int! name: String! msg: String! errorMsg: String } input MessageWhereInpObj { name: StringCompareObj } input IntCompareObj { eq : Int gt : Int lt : Int } input StringCompareObj { eq : String } input IncludeInpObj { id: [Int] name: [String] } type Query { hello: String messages(where: MessageWhereInpObj, includes: IncludeInpObj): [Message] user(user_id: Int! @preset(value: \"x-hasura-user-id\")): User } schema { query: Query }"
"comment":"remote schema permissions for role: user"

Argument Presets

Argument presets can be used to automatically inject input values for fields during execution. This way the field is executed with limited input values. Argument presets are of two types:

  1. Static Value
  2. Session Variable

A preset value can be added to an input value via the @preset directive.

type User {
name String
id Int

type Query {
user(user_id: Int! @preset(value: 1))

When an input field has a preset defined, it will be removed from the exposed schema. So, following the above example, the user won't be able to specify the user_id argument while querying the user field and whenever the role executes the user field, the preset value will get added before querying the remote schema.

A preset value can also reference a session variable. When the preset value has a session variable, then its value is resolved and then added before querying the remote schema.


By default, if the input value preset contains a session variable value, then its value will be resolved when the query is executed. To treat the session variable value as a literal value (avoiding resolving of the session variable value) can be done by specifying static as true while defining the preset.

For example:

type Query {
hello(text: String! @preset(value: "x-hasura-hello", static: true))

In this case, "x-hasura-hello" will be the argument to the hello field whenever it's queried.

Remote Relationship Permissions

Permissions for remote relationships are derived from the role's remote schema permissions. When permissions for a given remote relationship cannot be derived from the remote schema permissions of a given role, that remote relationship will not be accessible to that role.

Cases when the remote relationship cannot be derived are:

  1. There are no remote schema permissions configured for the role for the remote join's remote schema.
  2. The remote join field is not accessible to the role.
  3. Any of the type (both output and input types) used in the remote join field is not accessible to the role.

When a remote field's argument contains a preset and the same argument is used for creating a remote relationship, then the remote presets will be overridden by the remote join configuration. For example:

Let's say we have a table called customer and we have a remote schema called payments and we have a remote relationship customer_transactions_history defined which joins customer to transactions field of the payments field.

Suppose, the payments remote schema is defined in the following way:

type Transaction {
customer_id Int!
amount Int!
time String!
merchant String!

type Query {
transactions(customer_id: String!, limit: Int): [Transaction]

And, the customer table is defined in the following manner.

CREATE TABLE customer (

The remote relationship is defined to join the id field from the customer table to the customer_id argument of the transactions field.

We only allow the user role to access the amount and time fiels of the Transaction object, and introduce a preset for the limit argument of the transaction field, resulting in the following schema being presented.

type Transaction {
amount Int!
time String!

type Query {
transactions(customer_id: String!, limit: Int @preset(value: 10)): [Transaction]

Two changes have been made for the user role:

  1. The merchant and customer_id fields are not accessible in the Transaction object.
  2. The limit argument has a preset of 10.

Now, consider the following query:

query {
customer {
customer_transactions_history {

The user role won't be able to provide the value for the limit argument in the customer_transactions_history field because the limit has a preset set and the value will be added by the GraphQL engine before it queries the remote schema.

Args syntax

remote_schematrueRemoteSchemaNameName of the remote schema
definitiontrueRemoteSchemaPermissionThe remote schema permission definition

add_remote_schema_permissions will only work when the GraphQL engine has enabled remote schema permissions. Remote schema permissions can be enabled by running the graphql-engine with the --enable-remote-schema-permissions server flag or by setting the HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_REMOTE_SCHEMA_PERMISSIONS environment variable.


The drop_remote_schema_permissions API is used to drop an existing delete permission for a role on a remote schema.

An example:

POST /v1/query HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

"type" : "drop_remote_schema_permissions",
"args" : {
"remote_schema" : "user_messages",
"role" : "user"

Args syntax

tabletrueRemoteSchemaNameName of the remote schema