API Reference: Common syntax definitions
"name": String,
"schema": String
BigQuery TableName
"name": String,
"dataset": String
"name": String,
"schema": String
BigQuery FunctionName
"name": String,
"dataset": String
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
connection_info | true | PGSourceConnectionInfo | Connection parameters for the source |
read_replicas | false | [PGSourceConnectionInfo] | Optional list of read replica configuration (supported only in cloud/enterprise versions) |
extensions_schema | false | String | Name of the schema where the graphql-engine will install database extensions (default: public ) |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
service_account | true | JSON String | JSON | FromEnv | Service account for BigQuery database |
project_id | true | String | FromEnv | Project Id for BigQuery database |
datasets | true | [String] | FromEnv | List of BigQuery datasets |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
database_url | true | String | FromEnv | PGConnectionParameters | The database connection URL as a string, as an environment variable, or as connection parameters. |
pool_settings | false | PGPoolSettings | Connection pool settings |
use_prepared_statements | false | Boolean | If set to true the server prepares statement before executing on the source database (default: false ). For more details, refer to the Postgres docs |
isolation_level | false | read-committed | repeatable-read | serializable | The transaction isolation level in which the queries made to the source will be run with (default: read-committed ). |
ssl_configuration | false | PGCertSettings | The client SSL certificate settings for the database (Only available in Cloud). |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
connection_string | true | String | FromEnv | The database connection string, or as an environment variable |
pool_settings | false | MsSQLPoolSettings | Connection pool settings |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
from_env | true | String | Name of the environment variable |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
username | true | String | The Postgres user to be connected |
password | false | String | The Postgres user's password |
database | true | String | The database name |
host | true | String | The name of the host to connect to |
port | true | Integer | The port number to connect with, at the server host |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
max_connections | false | Integer | Maximum number of connections to be kept in the pool (default: 50) |
total_max_connections | false | Integer | Maximum number of total connections to be maintained across any number of Hasura Cloud instances (default: 1000). Takes precedence over max_connections in Cloud projects. (Only available in Hasura Cloud) |
idle_timeout | false | Integer | The idle timeout (in seconds) per connection (default: 180) |
retries | false | Integer | Number of retries to perform (default: 1) |
pool_timeout | false | Integer | Maximum time to wait while acquiring a Postgres connection from the pool, in seconds (default: forever) |
connection_lifetime | false | Integer | Time from connection creation after which the connection should be destroyed and a new one created. A value of 0 indicates we should never destroy an active connection. If 0 is passed, memory from large query results may not be reclaimed. (default: 600 sec) |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
sslmode | true | String | The SSL connection mode. See the libpq ssl support docs for more details. |
sslrootcert | false | FromEnv | Environment variable which stores trusted certificate authorities. |
sslcert | false | FromEnv | Environment variable which stores the client certificate. |
sslkey | false | FromEnv | Environment variable which stores the client private key. |
sslpassword | false | FromEnv | Password in the case where the sslkey is encrypted. |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
max_connections | false | Integer | Maximum number of connections to be kept in the pool (default: 50) |
total_max_connections | false | Integer | Maximum number of total connections across any number of Hasura Cloud instances (default: 50). Takes precedence over max_connections in Cloud projects. (Only available in Cloud) |
idle_timeout | false | Integer | The idle timeout (in seconds) per connection (default: 180) |
Numeric types
Type | Alias | Description |
serial | | autoincrementing integer |
bigserial | | autoincrementing bigint |
integer | | 4 bytes, typical choice for integer |
smallint | | 2 bytes |
bigint | | 8 bytes |
real | float4 | 6 decimal digits precision, inexact |
double precision | float8 | 15 decimal digits precision, inexact |
numeric | decimal | arbitrary precision, exact |
Character types
Type | Alias | Description |
varchar | text | typical choice for storing string types |
Date/Time types
Type | Alias | Description |
timestamp with time zone | timestamptz | both date and time, with time zone. Allowed values should be of ISO8601 format. E.g. 2016-07-20T17:30:15Z, 2016-07-20T17:30:15+05:30, 2016-07-20T17:30:15.234890+05:30 |
time with time zone | timetz | time of day only, with time zone. Allowed values should be of ISO8601 format. E.g. 17:30:15Z, 17:30:15+05:30, 17:30:15.234890+05:30 |
date | | date (no time of day). Allowed values are yyyy-mm-dd |
Boolean type
Type | Alias | Description |
boolean | | state of true or false |
JSON types
Type | Alias | Description |
json | | Stored as plain text |
jsonb | | Stored in a binary format and can be indexed |
Table Config
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
custom_name | false | String | Customise the <table-name> with the provided custom name value. The GraphQL nodes for the table will be generated according to the custom name. |
custom_root_fields | false | Custom Root Fields | Customise the root fields |
column_config | false | ColumnConfig | Customise the columns |
custom_column_names (deprecated) | false | CustomColumnNames | Customise the column fields (deprecated in favour of custom_name on ColumnConfig) |
comment | false | String | Customise the description shown in GraphQL introspection. If null or omitted then if a comment exists on the database table, it is used as the description (Postgres-only), and if not, an autogenerated description is used instead. |
Custom Root Fields
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
select | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the <table-name> root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
select_by_pk | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the <table-name>_by_pk root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
select_aggregate | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the <table-name>_aggregate root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
select_stream | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the <table-name>_stream root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
insert | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the insert_<table-name> root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
insert_one | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the insert_<table-name>_one root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
update | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the update_<table-name> root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
update_by_pk | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the update_<table-name>_by_pk root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
delete | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the delete_<table-name> root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
delete_by_pk | false | String | CustomRootField | Customise the delete_<table-name>_by_pk root field. Using a String customises the field name. |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | false | String | The custom root field name |
comment | false | String | Customise the description shown for the root field in GraphQL introspection. If null or omitted then an autogenerated description is used instead. |
A [JSONObject][https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159] of table column name to ColumnConfigValue
Configuration properties for particular column, as specified on ColumnConfig.
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
custom_name | false | String | Customise the name of the field in the GraphQL schema |
comment | false | String | Customise the description shown for the field in GraphQL introspection. If null or omitted then an autogenerated description is used instead. |
Custom Function Root Fields
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
function | false | String | Customise the <function-name> root field |
function_aggregate | false | String | Customise the <function-name>_aggregete root field |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
check | true | BoolExp | This expression has to hold true for every new row that is inserted |
set | false | ColumnPresetsExp | Preset values for columns that can be sourced from session variables or static values |
columns | false | PGColumn array (or) '*' | Can insert into only these columns (or all when '*' is specified) |
backend_only | false | Boolean | When set to true the mutation is accessible only if the x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions session variable exists and is set to true and the request is made with x-hasura-admin-secret set if any auth is configured |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
columns | true | PGColumn array (or) '*' | Only these columns are selectable (or all when '*' is specified) |
computed_fields | false | ComputedFieldName array | Only these computed fields are selectable |
filter | true | BoolExp | Only the rows where this expression holds true are selectable |
limit | false | Integer | The maximum number of rows that can be returned |
allow_aggregations | false | Boolean | Toggle allowing aggregate queries |
query_root_fields | false | QueryRootField array | Only given root fields will be enabled in the query root field. An empty list will mean no query root fields are enabled . |
subscription_root_fields | false | SubscriptionRootField array | Only given root fields will be enabled in the subscription root field. An empty list will mean no subscription root fields are enabled. |
The query_root_fields
and the subscription_root_fields
are only available in v2.8.0 and above
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
columns | true | PGColumn array (or) '*' | Only these columns are selectable (or all when '*' is specified) |
filter | true | BoolExp | Only the rows where this precondition holds true are updatable |
check | false | BoolExp | Postcondition which must be satisfied by rows which have been updated |
set | false | ColumnPresetsExp | Preset values for columns that can be sourced from session variables or static values. |
backend_only | false | Boolean | When set to true the mutation is accessible only if the x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions session variable exists and is set to true and the request is made with x-hasura-admin-secret set if any auth is configured |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
filter | true | BoolExp | Only the rows where this expression holds true are deletable |
backend_only | false | Boolean | When set to true the mutation is accessible only if the x-hasura-use-backend-only-permissions session variable exists and is set to true and the request is made with x-hasura-admin-secret set if any auth is configured |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
foreign_key_constraint_on | false | ObjRelUsingChoice | The column with foreign key constraint or the remote table and column |
manual_configuration | false | ObjRelUsingManualMapping | Manual mapping of table and columns |
There has to be at least one and only one of foreign_key_constraint_on
and manual_configuration
Supported in v2.0.0-alpha.3
and above.
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
remote_table | true | TableName | The table to which the relationship has to be established |
column_mapping | true | Object (PGColumn : PGColumn) | Mapping of columns from current table to remote table |
insertion_order | false | InsertOrder | insertion order: before or after parent (default: before) |
Describes when should the referenced table row be inserted in relation
to the current table row in case of a nested insert. Defaults to
"before_parent" | "after_parent"
Supported in v2.0.0-alpha.3
and above.
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
table | true | TableName | Name of the table |
column | true | PGColumn | Name of the column with foreign key constraint |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
remote_table | true | TableName | The table to which the relationship has to be established |
column_mapping | true | Object (PGColumn : PGColumn) | Mapping of columns from current table to remote table |
scheduled | locked | delivered | error | dead
Generic operators (all column types except json, jsonb) :
Operator | PostgreSQL equivalent |
"$eq" | = |
"$ne" | <> |
"$gt" | > |
"$lt" | < |
"$gte" | >= |
"$lte" | <= |
"$in" | IN |
"$nin" | NOT IN |
(For more details, refer to the Postgres docs for comparison
and list based search
Text related operators :
Operator | PostgreSQL equivalent |
"$like" | LIKE |
"$nlike" | NOT LIKE |
"$ilike" | ILIKE |
"$nilike" | NOT ILIKE |
"$similar" | SIMILAR TO |
"$nsimilar" | NOT SIMILAR TO |
$regex | ~ |
$iregex | ~* |
$nregex | !~ |
$niregex | !~* |
(For more details on text related operators, refer to the Postgres
Operators for comparing columns (all column types except json,
Column Comparison Operator
Column comparison operators can be used to compare columns of the same
table or a related table. To compare a column of a table with another
column of :
- The same table -
- The table on which the permission is being defined on -
Operator | PostgreSQL equivalent |
"$ceq" | = |
"$cne" | <> |
"$cgt" | > |
"$clt" | < |
"$cgte" | >= |
"$clte" | <= |
(For more details on comparison operators, refer to the Postgres
Checking for NULL values :
Operator | PostgreSQL equivalent |
_is_null (takes true/false as values) | IS NULL |
(For more details on the IS NULL
expression, refer to the Postgres
JSONB operators :
Operator | PostgreSQL equivalent |
_contains | @> |
_contained_in | <@ |
_has_key | ? |
_has_keys_any | ?! |
_has_keys_all | ?& |
(For more details on JSONB operators, refer to the Postgres
PostGIS related operators on GEOMETRY columns:
Operator | PostGIS equivalent |
_st_contains | ST_Contains(column, input) |
_st_crosses | ST_Crosses(column, input) |
_st_equals | ST_Equals(column, input) |
_st_3d_intersects | ST_3DIntersects(column, input) |
_st_intersects | ST_Intersects(column, input) |
_st_overlaps | ST_Overlaps(column, input) |
_st_touches | ST_Touches(column, input) |
_st_within | ST_Within(column, input) |
_st_d_within | ST_DWithin(column, input) |
_st_3d_d_within | ST_3DDWithin(column, input) |
(For more details on spatial relationship operators, refer to the
A JSONObject
"k1" : v1,
"k2" : v2,
Empty Object
An empty JSONObject
A JSONObject of a Postgres column
name to value mapping, where the value can be static or derived from a
session variable.
"column1" : colVal1,
"column2" : colVal2,
E.g. where id
is derived from a session variable and city
is a
static value.
"id" : "x-hasura-User-Id",
"city" : "San Francisco"
If the value of any key begins with "x-hasura-" (case-insensitive),
the value of the column specified in the key will be derived from a
session variable of the same name.
Query root field
Subscription root field
"url" : url-string,
"url_from_env" : env-var-string,
"headers": [
"name": header-name-string,
"value": header-value-string,
"value_from_env": env-var-string
"forward_client_headers": boolean,
"timeout_seconds": integer,
"customization": RemoteSchemaCustomization
"root_fields_namespace": String,
"type_names": {
"prefix": String,
"suffix": String,
"mapping": {
String: String
"field_names": [
"parent_type": String,
"prefix": String,
"suffix": String,
"mapping": {
String: String
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
root_fields_namespace | false | String | If provided, the fields of the remote schema will be nested under this top level field |
type_names | false | RemoteTypeCustomization | Customization of type names in the remote schema |
field_names | false | [RemoteFieldCustomization] | Customization of field names for types in the remote schema |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
prefix | false | String | Prefix applied to type names in the remote schema |
suffix | false | String | Suffix applied to type names in the remote schema |
mapping | false | {String: String} | Explicit mapping of type names in the remote schema Note: explicit mapping takes precedence over prefix and suffix . |
- Type name prefix and suffix will be applied to all types in the
schema except the root types (for query, mutation and subscription),
types starting with
, standard scalar types (Int
, Float
, Boolean
, and ID
), and types with an explicit mapping. - Root types, types starting with
, and standard scalar types may
only be customized with an explicit mapping.
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
parent_type | true | String | Name of the parent type (in the original remote schema) for fields to be customized |
prefix | false | String | Prefix applied to field names in parent type |
suffix | false | String | Suffix applied to field names in the parent type |
mapping | false | {String: String} | Explicit mapping of field names in the parent type Note: explicit mapping takes precedence over prefix and suffix . |
- Fields that are part of an interface must be renamed consistently
across all object types that implement that interface.
"root_fields": {
"namespace": String,
"prefix": String,
"suffix": String
"type_names": {
"prefix": String,
"suffix": String
"naming_convention": String
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
root_fields | false | RootFieldsCustomization | Customization of root field names for a source |
type_names | false | SourceTypeCustomization | Customization of type names for a source |
naming_convention | false | String | Naming conventions for a source |
Please note that the naming convention feature is an experimental feature for now.
To use this feature, please use the --experimental-features=naming_convention
environment variable to
The naming convention can either be graphql-default
or hasura-default
The graphql-default
naming convention is supported only for postgres databases right now.
Typecase for each of the naming convention is mentioned below:
Naming Convention | Field names | Type names | Arguments | Enum values |
hasura-default | Snake case | Snake case | Snake case | as defined |
graphql-default | Camel case | Pascal case | Camel case | Uppercased |
The naming convention can be overridden by custom_name
in Table Config
or by setting Custom Root Fields.
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
namespace | false | String | Namespace root field under which fields for this source will be nested |
prefix | false | String | Prefix to be prepended to all root fields in this source |
suffix | false | String | Suffix to be appended to all root fields in this source |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
prefix | false | String | Prefix to be prepended to all type names in this source |
suffix | false | String | Suffix to be appended to all type names in this source |
"name": String,
"query": String
"global": Boolean,
"roles" : [RoleName]
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
global | false | Boolean | When set to false a non empty array of role names is expected in the roles key. When set to true , the roles key must be omitted. (default: true ) |
roles | when global is set to false | [RoleName] | Roles to which the a query collection's queries should be accessible. (supported only in cloud/enterprise versions) |
"query": {
"query_name : String, "collection_name" : CollectionName
CustomColumnNames is deprecated in favour of using the custom_name
property on columns in ColumnConfig.
If both CustomColumnNames and ColumnConfig is used, any custom_name
properties used in
ColumnConfig will take precedence and any overlapped values in custom_column_names
will be discarded.
A JSONObject of Postgres column
name to GraphQL name mapping
"column1" : String,
"column2" : String,
A String value which supports templating environment variables enclosed
in {{
and }}
Template example: https://{{ACTION_API_DOMAIN}}/create-user
Key | required | Schema | Description |
name | true | String | Name of the header |
value | true | String | Value of the header |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
name | true | String | Name of the header |
value_from_env | true | String | Name of the environment variable which holds the value of the header |
A GraphQL Type
Example: String!
for non-nullable String type and [String]
for array
of String types
A string literal that conform to GraphQL
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
arguments | false | Array of InputArgument | Input arguments |
output_type | true | GraphQLType | The output type of the action. Only object and list of objects are allowed. |
kind | false | [ synchronous | asynchronous ] | The kind of the mutation action (default: synchronous ). If the type of the action is query then the kind field should be omitted. |
headers | false | [HeaderFromValue | HeaderFromEnv ] | List of defined headers to be sent to the handler |
forward_client_headers | false | boolean | If set to true the client headers are forwarded to the webhook handler (default: false ) |
handler | true | WebhookURL | The action's webhook URL |
type | false | [ mutation | query ] | The type of the action (default: mutation ) |
timeout | false | Integer | Number of seconds to wait for response before timing out. Default: 30 |
request_transform | false | RequestTransformation | Request Transformation to be applied to this Action's request |
response_transform | false | ResponseTransformation | Response Transformation to be applied to this Action's response |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | text | Name of the argument |
type | true | GraphQLType | Type of the argument |
The GraphQL Types
used in creating an action must be defined before
via Custom Types
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
function | true | FunctionName | The SQL function |
table_argument | false | String | Name of the argument which accepts a table row type. If omitted, the first argument is considered a table argument |
session_argument | false | String | Name of the argument which accepts the Hasura session object as a JSON/JSONB value. If omitted, the Hasura session object is not passed to the function |
BigQuery ComputedFieldDefinition
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
function | true | BigQuery FunctionName | The user defined SQL function |
argument_mapping | true | Object (String : String ) | Mapping from the argument name of the function to the column name of the table |
return_table | false | BigQuery TableName | Name of the table which the function returns |
Function Configuration
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
custom_name | false | String | Customise the <function-name> with the provided custom name value. The GraphQL nodes for the function will be generated according to the custom name. |
custom_root_fields | false | Custom Function Root Fields | Customise the root fields |
session_argument | false | String | Function argument which accepts session info JSON |
exposed_as | false | String | In which part of the schema should we expose this function? Either "mutation" or "query". |
Currently, only functions which satisfy the following constraints can be
exposed over the GraphQL API (terminology from Postgres
- Function behaviour:
functions may only
be exposed as queries (i.e. with exposed_as: query
functions may be exposed as mutations or queries. - Return type: MUST be
SETOF <table-name>
OR <table_name>
where <table-name>
is already tracked - Argument modes: ONLY
A simple JSON object to define GraphQL Input
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Input object type |
description | false | String | Description of the Input object type |
fields | true | Array of InputObjectField | Fields of the Input object type |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Input object field |
description | false | String | Description of the Input object field |
type | true | GraphQLType | GraphQL ype of the input object field |
A simple JSON object to define GraphQL
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Object type |
description | false | String | Description of the Object type |
fields | true | Array of ObjectField | Fields of the Object type |
relationships | false | Array of ObjectRelationship | Relationships of the Object type to tables |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Input object field |
description | false | String | Description of the Input object field |
type | true | GraphQLType | GraphQL type of the input object field |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | RelationshipName | Name of the relationship, shouldn't conflict with existing field names |
type | true | [ object | array ] | Type of the relationship |
remote_table | true | TableName | The table to which relationship is defined |
field_mapping | true | Object (ObjectField name : Remote table's PGColumn) | Mapping of fields of object type to columns of remote table |
A simple JSON object to define GraphQL
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Scalar type |
description | false | String | Description of the Scalar type |
A simple JSON object to define GraphQL
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
name | true | GraphQLName | Name of the Enum type |
description | false | String | Description of the Enum type |
values | true | Array of EnumValue | Values of the Enum type |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
value | true | GraphQLName | Value of the Enum type |
description | false | String | Description of the value |
is_deprecated | false | Boolean | If set to true , the enum value is marked as deprecated |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
version | false | "1" | "2" | Sets the RequestTransformation schema version. Version 1 uses a String for the body field and Version 2 takes a BodyTransform. Defaults to version 1 . |
method | false | String | Change the request method to this value. |
url | false | String | Change the request URL to this value. |
body | false | BodyTransform | String | A template script for transforming the request body. |
content_type | false | String | Replace the Content-Type with this value. Default: "application/json" (valid only for version 1) |
query_params | false | Object (String : String) | Replace the query params on the URL with this value. |
request_headers | false | TransformHeaders | Request Header Transformation. |
template_engine | false | TemplateEngine | Template language to be used for this transformation. Default: "Kriti" |
Version 2 is supported in v2.5.0
and above. You must remove any "version 2" schemas from your metadata prior to downgrading to v2.4.0
or earlier
HGE provides the following functions that can be used in the template:
: This function takes a boolean and returns its negation.
: This function takes a string and escapes it as per URI specification.
> {{ escapeUri "?foo=bar/baz" }}
: This function takes a string and returns the session variable of the given name. This function can throw the following errors:
- Session variable {variable name} not found
- Session variable name should be a string
> {{getSessionVariable "myVariableName"}}
Key | required | Schema | Description |
add_headers | false | Object (HeaderKey : HeaderValue) | A map of Header Key Value pairs to be added to the request. |
remove_headers | false | Array of (HeaderKey) | Headers to be removed from the request. |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
action | true | remove | transform | x_www_form_urlencoded | The action to perform on the request body. |
template | false | String | The transformation template to be applied to the body. This is required if the action is transform. |
form_template | false | Object (String : String) | The key/value pairs to be used in a x-www-url-formencoded body. The values can be transfomation templates. |
The JSON templating language to be used for this JSON transformation.
Key | required | Schema | Description |
version | false | "1" | "2" | Sets the RequestTransformation schema version. Version 1 uses a String for the body field and Version 2 takes a BodyTransform. Defaults to version 1. |
body | false | BodyTransform | String | A template script for transforming the response body. |
template_engine | false | TemplateEngine | Template language to be used for this transformation. Default: "Kriti" |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
num_retries | false | Integer | Number of times to retry delivery. Default: 0 |
interval_sec | false | Integer | Number of seconds to wait between each retry. Default: 10 |
timeout_sec | false | Integer | Number of seconds to wait for response before timing out. Default: 60 |
Note: One of and only one of to_source
and to_remote_schema
must be present
Key | required | Schema | Description |
relationship_type | true | "object" | "array" | The type of the relationship |
field_mapping | true | Object (PGColumn : PGColumn) | Mapping of columns from current table to remote table |
source | true | SourceName | Name of the source of the target table |
table | true | TableName | Name of the target table |
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
remote_schema | true | RemoteSchemaName | Name of the remote schema to join with |
lhs_fields | true | [PGColumn | ComputedFieldName] | Column/Computed field(s) in the table that is used for joining with remote schema field. All join keys in remote_field must appear here. |
remote_field | true | RemoteField | The schema tree ending at the field in remote schema which needs to be joined with. |
FieldName: {
"arguments": InputArguments "field": RemoteField # optional
is a recursive tree structure that points to the field in
the remote schema that needs to be joined with. It is recursive because
the remote field maybe nested deeply in the remote schema.
"message": {
"messages": {
"arguments": {
"limit": 100
"field": {
"private": {
"arguments": {
"id" : "$id"
InputField : $PGColumn | Scalar
Table columns can be referred by prefixing $
e.g $id
Key | Required | Schema | Description |
schema | true | GraphQL SDL | GraphQL SDL defining the role based schema |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
from_env | true | String | Name of the environment variable which has the URL |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
num_retries | false | Integer | Number of times to retry delivery. Default: 0 |
retry_interval_seconds | false | Integer | Number of seconds to wait between each retry. Default: 10 |
timeout_seconds | false | Integer | Number of seconds to wait for response before timing out. Default: 60 |
tolerance_seconds | false | Integer | Number of seconds between scheduled time and actual delivery time that is acceptable. If the time difference is more than this, then the event is dropped. Default: 21600 (6 hours) |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
enable | true | String | Apollo federation version (can be "v1" only) |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
schedule | true | Cron Expression | Cron expression at which the cleanup should be invoked. |
clear_older_than | true | Integer | Event logs retention period (in hours). 168 hours of retention period means that the logs older than 7 days will be removed. |
batch_size | false | Integer | Maximum number of logs to delete in a single statement during the cleanup action. If there are more events to be cleaned than the batch_size then the cleanup action will execute multiple statements sequentially until all old event logs are cleared. Default 10000 |
timeout | false | Integer | Maximum time (in seconds) that a batch can take during the cleanup process. If a batch times out, the cleanup process is halted. Default: 60 |
clean_invocation_logs | false | Bool | Should corresponding invocation logs be cleaned. Default false |
paused | false | Bool | Is the auto-cleanup process paused. Default false |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
sources | true | '*' | [SourceName] | Sources for which to update the cleaner status (or all sources when '*' is provided) |
Key | required | Schema | Description |
event_triggers | true | [TriggerName] | List of trigger names |
source_name | true | SourceName | Source to which the event triggers belong |