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Version: v2.x

Migrations & Metadata Setup


Migrations and Metadata allow you to keep track of, update, roll-back or move your database and Hasura Server configurations using the Hasura CLI.

Getting started

It is a typical requirement to export an existing Hasura "setup" so that you can apply it to another Hasura instance to reproduce the same setup. For example, to achieve a dev️ -> staging️ -> production environment promotion scenario.


You can also choose to manage your database migrations using external tools like: knex, TypeORM, Django/Rails migrations, etc.

Any change made in the Console served by Hasura CLI which modifies your underlying database schema can be kept track of in Migrations.

Let's set up Migrations starting with the following two tables in our schema. For this guide we're assuming you have a Hasura Server up and running, either on Hasura Cloud or as a standalone installation in Docker and have connected a database with a table that has some columns configured.

author (id uuid, name text, rating integer)
article (id uuid, title text, content text, author_id uuid)

Step 0: Disable the Console served by the server

The Hasura Console can be served directly by the Hasura Server and also by the Hasura CLI. To use Migrations, the console served by the server (which is served at /console) should be disabled and all changes must go through the Console served by the CLI. Otherwise, changes could be made through the Server Console which will not be tracked by Migrations.

In order to disable the Server Console either remove the --enable-console flag from the command that starts the server or set the following environment variable to false:


If you set this in YAML, make sure you use false as a string, i.e. HASURA_GRAPHQL_ENABLE_CONSOLE: "false".

Step 1: Install the Hasura CLI

Follow the instructions in Installing the Hasura CLI.

Step 2: Set up a project directory

Let's set up a project directory by executing the following command:

hasura init demo-project --endpoint --admin-secret mySecret

Input Y or Yes at the prompt:

? Initialize project with metadata & migrations from ? Yes

We'll see an output like this:

INFO Metadata exported
INFO Creating migrations for source: default
INFO Created Migrations
INFO migrations applied
INFO directory created. execute the following commands to continue:

cd /Users/me/demo-project
hasura console

Let's break all this down:

hasura init is the command to create a new Hasura directory structure in a new directory called demo-project which we also specified. It will create a config.yaml file and a migrations, metadata and seeds directory. This directory structure is mandatory and should not be changed in order to use Hasura migrations properly.


We use the --endpoint flag to give the init command the URI location of our endpoint. Change this to your own Hasura location. In this example we're using a Hasura Cloud instance but if you've deployed Hasura using Docker, the URL might be http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 without the https and with a port number. In either case, the endpoint should not contain the /v1/graphql API path. It should just be the hostname, and any sub-path if it is configured that way.

Admin Secret

If you have an admin secret set on your Server, you can set it safely as an environment variable HASURA_GRAPHQL_ADMIN_SECRET=<your-admin-secret> on your local machine and the CLI will use it for running commands. In our example though we added an --admin-secret flag and your admin secret value to the init command This will be saved along with the specified endpoint in the config.yaml file. With this, we will also not have to add them as flags for every subsequent Hasura CLI command.


Be mindful of adding config.yaml with an admin secret or other sensitive data to version control in case you accidentally leak secrets of a public Hasura instance. To avoid this you can add sensitive values to an environment variable file such as production.env with env vars in accordance with the Hasura CLI supported vars and then deleting the sensitive key-value line from your config.yaml file. You can then specify using this file in the Hasura CLI with the --envfile flag. Eg: hasura console --envfile production.env


By inputting Yes at the prompt to initialize metadata & migrations we have told the CLI to create an initial Migrations directory called, for example, 1654696186008_init. This naming structure consists of a Unix timestamp in nanoseconds of when it was created (the "version") and an auto generated name. Since this is the initialization of Migrations the CLI automatically names it init.

Our directory structure should now look something like this:

📂 demo-project
├─ 📂 metadata
│ ├─ 📂 databases
│ │ ├─ 📂 default
│ │ │ └─ 📂 tables
│ │ │ ├─ 📄 public_author.yaml
│ │ │ ├─ 📄 public_article.yaml
│ │ │ └─ 📄 tables.yaml
│ │ └── 📄 databases.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 actions.graphql
│ ├─ 📄 actions.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 allow_list.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 api_limits.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 cron_triggers.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 graphql_schema_introspection.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 inherited_roles.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 network.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 query_collections.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 remote_schemas.yaml
│ ├─ 📄 rest_endpoints.yaml
│ └─ 📄 version.yaml
├─ 📂 migrations
│ └─ 📂 default
│ └─ 📂 1654696186008_init
│ └─ 📄 up.sql
├─ 📂 seeds
└─ 📄 config.yaml

If we had entered No at the prompt, the Hasura Migrations and Metadata would not have been initialised, and you would be able to do it manually using the CLI later.

As you can see from the structure, the metadata folder contains files used to describe the configuration of the Hasura server and the migrations folder contains a folder for each of our databases. Ours only has one, default, and within it we have our migration folder consisting of the up.sql file with the SQL commands needed to create our database schema.

Step 3: Add Migrations and Metadata to version control

The project directory created above can be committed to version control allowing us to keep our codebase and database (and metadata) changes in-sync.

Set up Git version control and make the first commit:

# initialize version control
git init

# commit initial project status
git add .
git commit -m "hasura project init"

Step 4: Use the console served by the CLI

From this point onwards, instead of using the console at you should only use the console served by the CLI in order to track Migration and Metadata changes. Do this by running:

# in project directory
hasura console

Step 5: Add a new table and see how Migrations and Metadata are updated

As you use the Hasura Console UI served by the CLI to make changes to your schema, database migration files are automatically generated in the migrations/ directory and the metadata is exported in the metadata/ directory of your project.

Let's use the Console to create the following table address (id uuid, street text, zip text, city text, country text, author_id uuid) and once that's done create a foreign-key to the author table via the author_id -> id columns.

Now if we check the migrations/<database-name> directory, we can find new directories called <version-timestamp-number>_create_table_public_address and <version-timestamp-number>_set_fk_public_address_author_id containing an up.sql and a down.sql migration files reflecting the changes we made to the database schema.

The up.sql file tells Hasura how to create the change we made and the down.sql tells Hasura how to roll back the change.


The accuracy of up.sql files is guaranteed but you should manually check down.sql files in order to make sure they accurately describe the opposite of the up.sql Migration.

You can also go ahead and add some permissions or create relationships for the address table. The related metadata changes will automatically be exported into the metadata directory.


Migrations are only created when using the console through the CLI.

Step 6: Squash Migrations and add checkpoints to version control

Squashing Migrations is the process of merging multiple sql files into one. As you keep using the console via the CLI to make changes to the schema, new migration files will keep getting generated and the metadata files will keep getting updated automatically.

Typically, while adding a feature, a lot of incremental migration files get created for each of the small tasks that you did to achieve the feature.

To improve maintainability of the migration files and to ensure you can go back to a particular version of the metadata, it is recommended that you periodically squash your migration files and commit the project status to version control whenever you reach a logical checkpoint in your feature development.

The following command will squash all migration files from the given migration to the latest migration into a single migration file.

hasura migrate squash --name "<my-feature-name>" --from <start-migration-version-timestamp-number> --database-name

# note down the version timestamp number

Because all the Migrations included in the squash have already happened on the Server, we need to tell the Server that this new squashed version has already been applied. When we do this using the hasura migrate apply command but also tell the Server not to execute the statements in the squash to avoid errors and conflicts. We do that as follows:

# mark the squashed migration as applied on this server
hasura migrate apply --version "<squash-migration-version-timestamp-number>" --skip-execution --database-name <database-name>

Now we can commit the current project status into version control with our new feature.

# in project dir
git add .
git commit -m "<feature-name>"

Step 7: Apply Migrations and Metadata on another instance of the Hasura Server

Let's apply all the Migrations present in the migrations/ directory and the Metadata present in the metadata/ directory on a new, "fresh", instance of the Hasura Server at

We can use the Hasura CLI command deploy to do this.

# in project dir
hasura deploy --endpoint

This command will apply Migrations and Metadata on the new Hasura instance and make sure that the Metadata is consistent with the underlying database schema.


If you need an automated way of applying Migrations and Metadata, take a look at the cli-migrations Docker image, which can automatically apply Migrations and Metadata and then start the Hasura Server.

If you open the Console of the new instance, you can see that our three tables have been created and tracked:

Tracked tables from Hasura migrations

Step 8: Check the status of Migrations

Let's check the status of our Migrations using the CLI.

# in project dir
hasura migrate status

Hasura Migrations work on a per-database basis. So at the prompt, select your database or choose All to select all databases. You can also add the flag --database-name default with your database name to the command to specify the database and skip the prompt.

This command will print out each migration version present in the migrations directory along with its name, source status and database status.

For example,

$ hasura migrate status --database-name default
1654696186008 init Present Present
1654696713921 create_table_public_address Present Present

We can see the version timestamp number of the migration, it's name, and whether it's present in the source (our filesystem) and also present on the database via the Hasura Server. Hasura keeps track of which migrations have been applied to the databases in order to not duplicate applying them and creating errors.

If SOURCE STATUS indicates Not Present, it means that the migration version is present on the server, but not on the current user's local directory. This typically happens if multiple people are collaborating on a project and one of the collaborators forgot to pull the latest changes which included the latest migration files, or another collaborator forgot to push the latest migration files that were applied on the database. Syncing of the files would fix the issue.

If DATABASE STATUS indicates Not Present, it means that there are new migration versions in the local directory which are not applied on the database yet. To apply them executing hasura migrate apply will resolve this.