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Version: v2.x

New Relic Integration

Available on: Cloud Standard


You can export metrics and operation logs of your Hasura Cloud project to New Relic. This can be configured on the integrations tab on the project's setting page.


For Hasura Cloud projects, the New Relic Integration is only available on the Standard (pay-as-you-go) tier and above.

Configure New Relic integration

Navigate to the integrations tab on project settings page to find New Relic integration.

Configure New Relic Integration

Select the New Relic API region and enter the New Relic Insights Insert API key (follow New Relic docs to retrieve the API key), host, service name and custom attributes to associate with exported logs and metrics.

RegionThe region of the datacentre where your New Relic account stores its data. Read more about regions on New Relic docs.
API KeyAPI keys are unique to your organization. An API key is required by the New Relic API to submit metrics and events to New Relic. You can get the API key from here if you are in New Relic US region and here if you're in New Relic EU region.
HostThe name of the originating host of the log and metrics.
Custom AttributesCustom Attributes associated with your logs and metrics. A default source tag hasura-cloud-metrics is added to all exported logs and metrics. Attributes project_id and project_name are added to all exported metrics.
Service NameThe name of the application or service generating the log events.
Configure New Relic Integration

After adding appropriate values, click Save.

Checking the status of the integration

The green/red dot signifies the status of the integration. Green signifies successful exporting of logs to New Relic. When logs are successfully exported, Last Exported is continuously updated, indicating the timestamp of the last log line successfully exported to your New Relic account.

New Relic Integration successfully configured

In case there is an error while exporting logs to New Relic, the dot is red and the HTTP status code of the error is displayed right below it.

New Relic Integration successfully configured

View logs

The logs can be viewed in your New Relic dashboard, under the Logs tab (read more on New Relic docs). To navigate to the same, click View Logs.

New Relic Integration successfully configured
Logs successfully exported to New Relic

To view only logs exported by Hasura Cloud, filter your logs using attributes you configured with this integration.

View metrics

The integration exports the following five metrics to your New Relic account:

Metric ExportedMetric Name in New Relic
Average number of requestsaverage_requests_per_minute
Average request execution timeaverage_execution_time
Success rate of requestssuccess_rate
Active subscriptionsactive_subscriptions
Number of websockets openwebsockets_open

Non zero values of all the above metrics are exported over a one minute time interval. Each metric name is prefixed with hasura_cloud.

Graphs for all the above metrics can be viewed in your New Relic account. Under Browse Data select Metrics and choose the metrics name. To navigate to New Relic dashboard, click View Metrics.

New Relic Integration successfully configured

Select the graphs you want to view from the metrics explorer.

Metrics successfully exported to New Relic